late 19th century
A Mercury Thermometer in a Brass Frame with Medallions from the late 19th century stands as a vivid example of symbolism in art. The piece comprises an 18-centimeter brass frame featuring eight medallions, each depicting one of two recurring symbolic designs. One medallion portrays Plutus, the god of wealth, entangled by Zeus to prevent him from distinguishing between the honest and dishonest. This theme is reinforced by the image of a sword piercing Plutus’s head. Below, a cornucopia — a symbol traditionally associated with fertility and abundance — represents the wealth of the earth, distributed at the will of the gods. Together, these symbols reflect the fertility and resources of the land.
The other medallion features sea dragons, possibly tritons, along with a trident, symbolizing the wealth of the seas and the natural elements. A symbol resembling an infinity sign in the center of the medallion likely emphasizes the eternal, inexhaustible, and balanced nature of resources. Paired with the trident and sea dragons, it reinforces the allegory of control and harmony among the elements. This element serves as a philosophical link between the medallion of Plutus, representing terrestrial wealth, and the sea-themed medallion, uniting the imagery of land and sea wealth.
Together, these two medallions create an allegory of the wealth of land and sea, governed by the gods or fate. The symbolism highlights that nature’s riches are gifts, distributed impartially and irrespective of human morality.
The thermometer’s functional component is a 9-centimeter silvered brass dial featuring a Fahrenheit scale with prominently engraved temperature values ranging from 20 to 120 degrees, in increments of 20. At the center of the dial, a curved glass tube with a bulb-shaped reservoir holds mercury, allowing precise temperature measurement.
Far from being a utilitarian scientific instrument, this thermometer is imbued with artistic dimension, evoking spiritual and symbolic meanings. The marriage of science and art in this object creates a bridge between the physical measurement of the world and humanity’s conceptualization of it. It serves as a reminder that science and art often intersect and enrich one another. Through its symbolism, this thermometer tells stories of nature, wealth, and elemental balance, continuing to inspire and captivate even after more than a century.
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